This delightful rural setting, portrays a typical ordinary Lakeland cottage, found around the Coniston area, where Alfred lived before the outbreak of the First World War. He undoubtedly saw them as picturesque, especially when set in vast amounts of shrubbery found inherent in the landscape, which he rendered so beautifully here.
"Without vision the people will perish, and without natural beauty the English people will perish in the spiritual sense. In old days the English lived in the midst of nature, subject to its influence at every hour"
(Prose of Lakeland - B. L. Thompson, p166)
Inner Print Sizes:
- Framed - 539 x 436mm / 21.2 x 17.2 inches (Inner Print: 370 x 247mm / 14.6 x 9.7 inches).
- Framed - 387 x 328mm / 15.2 x 12.9 inches (Inner Print: 242 x 168mm / 9.5 x 6.6 inches).
- Framed - 317 x 267mm / 12.5 x 10.5 inches (Inner Print: 172 x 114mm / 6.8 x 4.5 inches).
- Mounted - 507 x 407mm / 20 x 16 inches (Inner Print: 370 x 247mm / 14.6 x 9.7 inches).
- Mounted - 356 x 299mm / 14 x 11.8 inches (Inner Print: 242 x 168mm / 9.5 x 6.6 inches).
- Mounted - 285 x 235mm / 11.2 x 9.3 inches (Inner Print: 172 x 114mm / 6.8 x 4.5 inches).
- Frame & Canvas dimensions may vary slightly due to the slight variations frame width.
- Please allow +/- 5% on all measurements to allow for human error when measuring, rounding & conversions. For an exact measurement of your desired frame, please contact us.
- Canvas Prints do include the frame and come as seen in the photo.
- Canvas frames may vary slightly in color. If you’re ordering multiple canvases or already have a canvas and would like the frame to match, please get in touch.
- Loose Print sizes are the size of the inner picture. All loose prints come with an additional white border, ranging from 30mm to 85mm depending on the print size. This can easily be cut off with a ruler and knife.
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